Become a Foster or Adoptive Parent to a Child in Foster Care

Foster parents provide tender care for children who have experienced abuse and neglect. A foster parent works with a team which includes the child, the child's family, the foster care agency, treatment team, and the Family Court. Most children can return home safely to their parents. When that can't happen, some foster parents become adoptive parents or kinship guardians.

New York City needs foster parents who will care for children with high needs, sibling groups, teenagers, and young adults.

We welcome and encourage foster parents from all backgrounds, marital statuses, race, faith, class, gender, and sexual orientation. Children need foster parents who are willing to support their faith, culture, race, and sexual orientation, and gender identity and expression.

Here's How You Get Started
Get the Information:

Attend an Orientation and Complete the Application

Attend an orientation with one of ACS' foster care providers to get an in-depth explanation of the certification process. At the end of the orientation, complete and return the application to the foster care agency.

Get Certified:

Once the agency approves your application, they will contact you to begin the certification process, which includes:

Training - In order to become a foster parent, all prospective foster parent applicants must complete two modules of extensive Pre-Service Training.

Medical Clearance

Background Check

Home Study

After the successful completion of your training, medical clearance, background checks, and home study, you be­come a certified foster parent.

A Child is Placed in Your Home

Once you are a certified foster/adoptive parent, your Agency can place foster children in your home. Before a child is placed in your home, the caseworker will tell you about visitation schedules with parents and siblings and give you information that will help you provide the best care for the child. If the match is right, the child will be placed with you on either a short-term or longer-term basis.

If the child you are caring for becomes available for adoption, your family can apply to adopt the child(ren).

Looking to Adopt a Child?

If you wish only to adopt a child, without becoming certified as a foster parent, the steps are as follows:

  1. Select one of the many foster care provider agencies
  2. Submit an application to adopt
  3. Complete the adoption only Homestudy
  4. Match with a child or sibling group from those who are waiting for a permanent family - The New York State Family Album database is a good way to begin your search. Once a match is made, you and the child can begin visiting each other.
    1. New York State Family Album

    LGBTQ Affirming Foster and Adoptive Families

    Affirming families are those that welcome all LGBTQ young people and encourage them to be themselves in all parts of family life, where all children are treated with dignity and respect, and where parents work to meet their children's individual needs.

    You do not need to identify as LGBTQ yourself to be an affirming family for an LGBTQ youth!