Managing References

To add a reference directly to a folder, select the folder in the Navigation area and then select Add > Create New Reference .


  • Select the reference type. The remaining fields on the sidebar change depending on the type you select.
  • Enter a title or as much of the title as you can. You can optionally select the button in the Title field to have RefWorks match the title with an item in the library. This button is also available after you enter a value in the DOI field, which appears for most reference types (select Add more fields to see this field, if it is available), as well as for the ISSN/ ISBN fields. RefWorks shows possible matches at the bottom of the Reference Editor. If you select one, RefWorks completes the title and fills the fields with information from the library. If no suitable match is found, you can enter the rest of the metadata manually.
  • When clicking on Title in the suggestion list, the contents of the reference will be replaced. When clicking on ISSN, ISBN or DOI, the contents of the reference will be supplemented. We recommend duplicating a reference before using the Title look up, to prevent any data from being overwritten.


    1. If your reference is a file on your computer, or you have any other associated information in a file, drag and drop the file to the Reference Editor or select Add an attachment to upload the file. For a list of supported file types, see Valid Attachment File Formats.
    2. Enter any required tags for this reference. If any tags currently exist for other references, you can select them. Tags are used for filtering references on the Tags tab in the Navigation area; see Organizing References by Tags.
    3. Fill in as many of the remaining fields that you can.
    4. For more information, see Editing References.
    5. If you have defined any custom fields (see Configuring Basic Information), you can select Add more fields to add them to the reference and then enter values for them.
    6. You can also create and add custom fields while creating or editing the reference. Enter the custom field name in Add more fields and select Add ". " as a custom field .

    Add Custom Field


    The custom field is saved and added to the reference. The custom field is now available to be added to all references.

    New Custom Field

    Uploading Files as References

    To upload files to RefWorks:

    Either drag and drop a file into the Main area or select Add > Upload Document and select the file. The file can be in any format.

    The file uploads as a reference with type Generic . RefWorks attempts to automatically extract as much information as it can from the uploaded file. Edit the reference to correct and complete the information.

    If you drag and drop multiple files at one time, a reference is created for each file.

    Importing References

    Users can import references from any reference management service. You can import directly from Mendeley. For other services, such as Zotero, you can import a file that you have exported from that service.

    To import references:
    1. Select Add > Import references . The Import references page appears.

    Import references page.

    Import references page To import references from Mendeley:

    Go to Last Imported.

    1. Select the Import from Mendeley button and Authorize on the following page.
    2. Sign into your Mendeley account and the import process will be initiated.
    3. The "Import Process Complete" message will inform you how many references were copied. Your Mendeley library will not be altered.
    4. Select Go to Last Imported to view imported references.

    Mendeley allows exports of up to 500 references at one time. See here for more information.

    The folder structure will not be automatically imported.

    To import from a reference management service other than Mendeley, or another database or file:

    1. Export a file from that service to one of the following formats: NLM PubMed, RefWorks Tagged, RefWorks XML, RIS or Web of Science. For example:

      If you would like to change the format, select the search for the format option.

    Import references modal.

    Import References modal search for format.

    Choose your format from the dropdown.

    Import References modal choose format.

    Select Import.

    You can assign references to a folder, or create a new Folder, by selecting the drop-down arrow next to Not in folder. Select if tags should be imported and whether duplicate references should be ignored. Deduplication during import is based on Exact Match for: Author, Title and Year. It is based on the same algorithm as Finding Duplicate References.

    Import references preferences.

    If you are importing a large file, you may see the Importing page.

    Importing page.

    The Import Process Complete page will appear when the process has completed.

    Import Process Complete page.

    References in imports of 5 MB or larger will appear after a few minutes.

    Adding References via My Research

    See here for details on adding references via My Research.

    Organizing References

    Viewing Your References

    You can view a list of your references, a subset of your references, folders of shared references, or deleted references by searching, or by selecting the relevant tab in the Reference Organization area (see RefWorks User Interface). Each reference includes a unique reference ID (Ref ID).

    Your options for viewing references include the following:

    Reference View Options
    View Description Sortable
    All References All records available in your RefWorks library except those placed in the Trash folder. Yes
    Search Databases Search area to discover items in external databases. Visible if enabled by Institutional Administrator. No
    Last Imported References added within the last 30 days. Select Delete to remove references. They are still available in My Folders (if they were previously placed there). Yes
    Duplicates Find and/or remove duplicate references. See Finding Duplicate References. See last results of your most recent duplicates search. No
    Sharing References shared with you. See Working with Shared Folders of References. Yes
    My Folders References in a specific folder or subfolder, or Not in folder. Subfolders can be nested up to three levels, for example: main > sub1 > sub2 > sub3. Yes
    Tags Search for tags in this area. After selecting a tag, the encoded query string that matches references associated with that tag displays in the basic search box. Yes
    Trash Deleted references are moved to the Trash folder. You can restore references using the Undo action. To permanently remove a set of references, select the relevant references and select Delete > Delete selected, and then select Yes in the confirmation dialog box. To remove all references, select Delete > Delete all. Yes
    Search Use the basic search to search all fields, including text in an attached PDF (provided the PDF is properly OCRed). In the basic search, enter a tag name or any search string. After entering your search criteria, your search appears as an encoded query string in the basic search box and the matching references display in the center pane.
    Use Advanced for a more customized search such as searching in specific fields, or folders, or by entering an encoded query string. If advanced queries are enabled, the search text appears in blue.


    The number of references which appear on the page is displayed at the top of the page. You can change the number of references displayed per page, and switch between view options. Select Customize for Normal and Full views to display the Folders and Tags checkboxes. Clearing the checkboxes hides the folders and tags from the list of references. Pagination on the bottom of the page enables you to move between reference pages.

    References Normal View.

    References Normal View

    Table View.

    Table view – Another minimalist view. References display in a table for easy sorting. Table View does not allow for sorting by Date added. When switching to Table view from any other view which displays Date added, references will be resorted by Date. All visible columns, except for Issue and Pages enable sorting in the table header row.

    Table View

    References Full View.

    Full view – An expanded view with details, displaying Date Published, Date Added and Date Modified, regardless of which criterion is applied. Select a tag to refresh the page with all references associated with the tag. Select the text link to view the full text, if available. Select any other field to open the Reference Editor and edit that field.

    Citation view – A bibliographic view. References are displayed in chosen citation style. Select the gear icon settings_icon.png in the view options menu to select your preferred style. RefWorks highlights missing fields that are required or recommended by the selected citation style. Select the highlighted area to open the Reference Editor and edit that field. References Citation View.

    Citation View

    If you display a large number of references on one page, especially if you use full view, RefWorks may take a while to display the reference list.

    Accessing Full Text from RefWorks

    When viewing a reference with electronic access to partial or full text, you can access it from the Reference Details. This may be access to the text within the library or on an external site, or the uploaded file.


    Reference Details

    When viewing a list of references in full view, select the text link (if available) to view the text.


    Full View: Links to URL and Uploaded File

    For some references, such as uploaded PDF files and HTML pages, full view of the reference is provided directly in RefWorks. The RefWorks reader enables you to download the document, and for PDF files, it enables you to highlight text passages, and add comments and notes.

    Organizing References by Folders

    To manage the folders for one or more references:

    Select the references and select Assign . You can assign the selected references to an existing or new folder or remove them from a folder. You can also copy selected references to another Project.


    Assign References Options

    Folders appear in the My Folders tab in the Navigation area. The number of references in a folder appears after each folder name.

    When the My Folders tab is expanded, you can drag and drop references to a folder. In addition, you can use this area to add a folder or a subfolder, or rename, delete, or share a folder. You may also Move or Copy the folder to another Project or Find Duplicates in the folder. Subfolders can be up to three levels deep, for example main > sub1 > sub2 > sub3 . Some of these actions are available in the folder's action menu.


    Additional Folder Actions

    Organizing References by Tags

    To manage the tags for one or more references:

    Select the references and select Add Tags . You can associate the selected references with an existing or new tag or remove their association with a tag.

    When the Tags tab in the Navigation area is expanded, you can drag and drop references onto a tag to associate them with that tag.

    You can also manage tags when editing a reference in the Reference Editor.

    Editing References


    A rich-text edit bar is available when you select contents within certain text fields (including Title , Alternate Title , Abstract , Notes , and any custom fields that you added to RefWorks).


    Rich Text Edit Bar


  • Select one or more references and then select Tools > Bulk Edit . The Bulk Edit page appears.