Mumbai: Reluctance in registering complaints by on-duty police personnel has been a common grudge of citizens approaching police stations. However, now there will be no need to visit a police station to lodge a lost article report, passport and tenant verification or even filing a FIR. Thanks to an initiative by Thane rural police, online filing of complaints will be one of the several features on its updated website (
While one can enter the particulars of lost or a found articles or documents, details of tenants will have to be submitted in the respective sections of the web portal for an e-approval of leave and license agreements. For filing FIR you just have to key in your plea with relevant details in the online complaint section of the web portal. Moreover, delays in the issue of passports due to lack of timely police verification will be a thing of the past, as the police has replaced physical verification of the applicant’s antecedents with online verification.
Under the much-needed e-initiative, police personnel carrying out the verification will upload the details onto the passport office website. In the new system, applicants need not visit the police station as the field-level police personnel involved in the passport verification process will be able to directly view the application on their tabs and after completing the verification, the application will be updated.
“This is one of the several innovative measures that we have introduced in order to enhance transparency. Online filing of complaints will be one of the several features you will find on our updated website,” said Superintendent of Police Dr Mahesh Patil.