Make emergency plans

This page provides messages about making emergency plans.

Emergencies can disrupt our lives, damage property and cause serious harm. Making a plan will help you get ready, and talking about your plan with your whānau/family, workmates, marae and community will make sure everyone’s prepared.

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Make a whare/home emergency plan

A home emergency plan lets each member of a household know what to do in an emergency and how to be prepared in advance.

Having a home emergency plan helps alleviate fears about potential emergencies and makes actual emergency situations less stressful while saving precious time.

Make sure your whare/home emergency plan lines up with emergency plans for your mahi/work, kura/school and other places where you spend a lot of time. You should also make sure it lines up with your community response plans or community resilience plans. Different communities have different response plans.

How to make a whare/home emergency plan

You can make a home emergency plan online on the Get Ready website , or by following the instructions below.