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We have answers to the most popular questions from our customers. If you can't find an answer to your question, please contact us.
How much are dorms at Cisco College?Cisco College Room and Board Expenses Housing and dining costs at Cisco College are bundled together. In 2021 students typically paid about $4,579 for living expenses.
Is Cisco a 2 year College?One College, Two Convenient Campuses Earn a 2-year degree or a professional certificate at our residential campus.
Does Cisco College have dorms?Campus Living Women enrolled at the Cisco campus live in Bivins Hall, Memorial or Nance Hall, while men live in Cluck, Wrangler or Presidents. The residence halls house approximately 363 students and provide rooms furnished with beds, dressers, desks, chairs and closets.
What College has the most luxurious dorms?The Princeton Review recently released its 2022 ranking of the best college dorms, based on student ratings of their dorms and residence halls. Taking the top spot is Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri.
What kind of College is Cisco College?Cisco College is a community college in Cisco, Texas located in Eastland County between Fort Worth and Abilene, where Highways 183, 206, and 6 intersect Interstate 20. The main campus is 92 acres (370,000 m2) outside of Cisco, and the Abilene Educational Center is 38 acres (150,000 m2) in Abilene.
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