Arabic dictionary with english meaning pdf

• al-Riyadh Dictionary معجم الرياض للغة العربية المعاصرة Dictionary of contemporary Arabic (+ audio)

• Dalīl al-Mʿānī Dictionary دليل المعاني Arabic dictionary, Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Centre

• Hawramani-Shamela: online search in 50 Arabic dictionaries, from 7 th to 20 th century

• Reverso: Arabic-English dictionary & words in context

• Lingea: Arabic-English dictionary & multilingual

• ArabicDictionaries : Arabic-English dictionary (and French, Spanish) & Arabic-English dictionary of the words used in the Quran and the Bible

• Arabic and Latin Glossary (Medieval) edited by Dag Nikolaus Hasse (project in progress)

• Lisān al-ʿarab لسان العرب (The tongue of the Arabs) by Ibn Manzūr (13 th )

• Al-qāmūs al-muḥīṭ القاموس المحيط (The surrounding ocean) by Al-Firuzabadi (14 th )

• Collins Arabic: 3000 words and phrases (2019) NEW

• Glossary of islamic terms by Anwer Mahmoud Zanaty (2006)

• Al-Mawrid, Modern Arabic-English dictionary, by Rohi Baalbaki, Lebanon (1995)

• Arabic-English dictionary by William Wortabet, John Wortabet, Harvey Porter (1984)

• Loecsen: Arabic-English common phrases (+ audio)

• Goethe-Verlag: Arabic-English common phrases & illustrated vocabulary (+ audio)

• LingoHut: Arabic-English vocabulary by topics (+ audio)

• Linguanaut: common phrases in Arabic & translation into English (video)

• Defense Language Institute: civil & military vocabulary (+ audio)

• Arabic-English Lexicon by Edward William Lane (1863-1893)

• Arabic-English vocabulary for the use of English students of modern Egyptian Arabic , compiled by Donald Cameron (1892)

• Arabic-English vocabulary of the colloquial Arabic of Egypt, containing the vernacular idioms and expressions, slang phrases, etc… used by the native Egyptians , compiled by Socrates Spiro (1895)

• English-Arabic vocabulary for the use of officials in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan , by Captain Harold Amery (1905)

• Arabic and Latin anatomical terminology, chiefly from the Middle Ages , by Adolf Fonahn (1922)

• Lexicon arabico-latinum: Arabic-Latin dictionary by Georg Wilhelm Freytag (1835): I-II & III-IV

• Lexicon arabico-latinum contextum ex probatioribus orientis lexicographis : Arabic-Latin dictionary by Jacobus Golius (1653)

• Arabic proverbs or The manners and customs of the modern Egyptians , translated by and explained John Lewis Burckhardt (1875)

• Arabum proverbia, vocalibus instruxit, latine vertit, commentario illustravit : Arabic proverbs translated and commented in Latin, by Georg Wilhelm Freytag (1838)

• Wikipedia: Arabic loanwords in English

• Etymological dictionary of Arabic by the University of Oslo (in Latin characters)

• Arabic etymological dictionary by András Rajki (2005) (in Latin characters)

• Hebrew loanwords (Modern period) , by Roni Henkin, in Encyclopedia of Hebrew language and linguistics (2013)

• Studien über die persischen Fremdwörter im klassischen Arabisch: Persian loanwords in classical Arabic, by ʻAbdussattār Ṣiddīqī (1919)

• Die aramäischen Fremdwörter im Arabischen: Aramaic loanwords in Arabic, by Siegmund Fraenkel (1886)

Arabic language

→ Arabic keyboard to type a text with the Arabic script

→ Transliterated Arabic keyboard to type a text with the Latin script

→ Online test to learn to recognize the Arabic letters

• Linguanaut: basic Arabic grammar

• Madinah Arabic: Arabic course, pronunciation & phrases (+ audio)

• Madinah-Arabic: Arabic course, pronunciation & phrases (+ audio)

• Modern Written Arabic, Foreign Service Institute (1969) (+ audio)

• Saudi Arabic basic course, Urban Hijazi dialect , by Margaret Omar (1975) (+ audio)

• Levantine Arabic, introduction to pronunciation , by James Snow (1971) (+ audio)

• Levantine and Egyptian Arabic, comparative study , by Margaret Omar (1976)

• Almadrasa: Arabic course (in Spanish)

• Learning Arabic language of the Quʾrān , by Izaath Uroosa (2009)

• Gramática árabe: Arabic grammar, by Federico Corriente (2002)

• The structure of Arabic language and orthography by Elinor Saiegh & Roni Henkin, in Handbook of Arabic literacy (2014)

• The evolution of Arabic writing due to European influence: the case of punctuation , by Dana Awad, in Journal of Arabic & Islamic studies (2015)

• Arabic in its Semitic context by John Huehnergard, in Arabic in context (2017)

• Arabic language (Arabic and Persian languages in contact) in Encylopædia Iranica

• Arabic lexicography, its history and its place in the general history of lexicography , by John Haywood (1960)

• The phonetics of Arabic by William Henry Temple Gairdner (1925)

• Arabic simplified, practical grammar of written Arabic in 200 lessons , by Arthur Upson (1921)

• Elementary Arabic, grammar by Frederic du Pre Thornton, abridgement of Wright's Arabic grammar (1919): I & II - III - IV

• Grammar of the Arabic language by Carl Paul Caspari, translated by William Wright (1896): I & II

• Arabic grammar, paradigms, literature, exercises and glossary , by Albert Socin (1895)

• Practical grammar of the Arabic language & dialogues, vocabulary, by Faris Ash-Shidyâq (1891)

• The Arabic manual by Edward Henry Palmer (1885)

• The spoken Arabic of Egypt, grammar, exercises, vocabularies , by John Selden Willmore (1905)

• Egyptian self-taught (Arabic): alphabet and pronunciation, vocabularies, elementary grammar, idiomatic phrases & conversations, by Carl Thimm (1914)

• Arabic manual, Colloquial handbook in the Syrian dialect , & simplified grammar, English and Arabic vocabulary and dialogues , by Francis Edward Crow (1901) (with Latin characters)

• Principles of general grammar by Antoine Silvestre de Sacy (1837)

News أخبار

• Al Jazira الجزيرة (in Arabic and in English)

• Al Arabiya العربية (in Arabic and in English)

Texts & Literature

• LyrikLine: poems in Arabic, with translation (+ audio)

• Shamela: corpus of Arabic texts

• Arabic reader by Chaim Rabin (1947)

• An aid to practical written Arabic: texts & vocabulary, by John van Ess (1920)

• Arabic reading lessons consisting of easy extracts from the best authors & vocabulary, by Duncan Forbes (1864)

→ the Quran in Arabic, English & other languages

First article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

يولد جميع الناس أحرارًا متساوين في الكرامة والحقوق.
وقد وهبوا عقلاً وضميرًا وعليهم أن يعامل بعضهم بعضًا بروح الإخاء.

• Universal Declaration of Human Rights الإعلان العالمي لحقوق الإنسان translation into Arabic (+ audio)

→ First article in different languages

→ Maltese: a semitic language