How To Make A Work-From-Home Policy (With Examples)

Belle Wong is a freelance writer specializing in small business, personal finance, banking, and tech/SAAS. She spends her spare moments testing out the latest productivity apps and plotting her latest novel. Connect with Belle on LinkedIn or Twitter.

Belle Wong, J.D. Contributor

Belle Wong is a freelance writer specializing in small business, personal finance, banking, and tech/SAAS. She spends her spare moments testing out the latest productivity apps and plotting her latest novel. Connect with Belle on LinkedIn or Twitter.

Written By Belle Wong, J.D. Contributor

Belle Wong is a freelance writer specializing in small business, personal finance, banking, and tech/SAAS. She spends her spare moments testing out the latest productivity apps and plotting her latest novel. Connect with Belle on LinkedIn or Twitter.

Belle Wong, J.D. Contributor

Belle Wong is a freelance writer specializing in small business, personal finance, banking, and tech/SAAS. She spends her spare moments testing out the latest productivity apps and plotting her latest novel. Connect with Belle on LinkedIn or Twitter.


Cassie is a deputy editor collaborating with teams around the world while living in the beautiful hills of Kentucky. Focusing on bringing growth to small businesses, she is passionate about economic development and has held positions on the boards of.

Cassie is a deputy editor collaborating with teams around the world while living in the beautiful hills of Kentucky. Focusing on bringing growth to small businesses, she is passionate about economic development and has held positions on the boards of.

Cassie is a deputy editor collaborating with teams around the world while living in the beautiful hills of Kentucky. Focusing on bringing growth to small businesses, she is passionate about economic development and has held positions on the boards of.

Cassie is a deputy editor collaborating with teams around the world while living in the beautiful hills of Kentucky. Focusing on bringing growth to small businesses, she is passionate about economic development and has held positions on the boards of.

Updated: Jun 20, 2024, 11:28am

Editorial Note: We earn a commission from partner links on Forbes Advisor. Commissions do not affect our editors' opinions or evaluations.

How To Make A Work-From-Home Policy (With Examples)


Table of Contents

In today’s interconnected world of work, the saying “home is where the heart is” holds true in more ways than one: Post-pandemic, many businesses continue to embrace the power of employees working remotely, whether on a full-time basis or with a hybrid combo of remote and in-office work.

There are a number of benefits for small businesses opting for a remote or hybrid workforce. But the lack of well-considered guidelines can erode these advantages—which means a comprehensive work-from-home policy is essential if you have remote or hybrid employees.

Why Work-From-Home Policies Matter

Remote and hybrid work isn’t merely a passing fad: With 71.2% of employees wanting a hybrid work arrangement and another 20.2% desiring a fully remote work experience, it’s clear that working from home is here to stay.

But for remote and hybrid work to be effective for both businesses and employees, clear guidelines are necessary. Here’s why a work-from-home policy matters:

Employee Satisfaction and Retention

For employees, work-from-home arrangements offer several intangible benefits, including:

These benefits lead to increased employee satisfaction and higher retention rates. And a comprehensive work-from-home policy provides employees with both the support and a framework for working remotely, further enhancing this sense of satisfaction.

Clear and Consistent Expectations

When it comes to work, no one enjoys uncertainty and inconsistency. Having a solid work-from-home policy in place lets you establish clear expectations for both you and your employees, so everyone involved understands their responsibilities.

A work-from-home policy also lends itself to consistency, providing a rule set that applies across your organization to all work-from-home arrangements, whether full time or hybrid. This consistency makes it easier for your remote or hybrid staff to adjust quickly and efficiently to working from home.

Business Continuity, Adaptability and Resilience

A solid work-from-home policy places your business at an advantage when it comes to weathering unforeseen events, from natural disasters, pandemics and other similar widespread emergency situations to the many challenges that often come with changes in the business environment.

Consider, for example, how much easier it would have been for companies around the world if they’d had remote work policies in place when the pandemic first hit. Establishing a work-from-home policy when things are going well equips your business to navigate any future challenges or disruptions more efficiently.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance

A well-thought-out remote work policy makes it easier for you to keep up with all relevant legal requirements, such as labor laws and tax regulations. And your policy represents a commitment to compliance that protects both your business and your employees by creating a secure, legally compliant work-from-home environment.

Talent Acquisition and Employer Branding

There’s a reason why 74% of companies in the U.S. either have or are planning to implement a hybrid work model: Offering work-from-home arrangements can be key to not only employee retention but also help you build your employer brand and attract top talent.

With research consistently showing that employees prefer working for companies offering remote or hybrid work options, a work-from-home policy helps set your business above your competition when it comes to appealing to future job candidates.

Cost Savings and Environmental Benefits

A work-from-home policy can offer cost savings and eco-friendly benefits for both your business and your employees. For example, with all or part of your workforce working remotely, you may be able to cut expenses such as office space and utilities, while your employees can save on transportation costs and meals.

There’s also a positive environmental impact to remote work: Decreased commuting means less traffic and a reduction in carbon emissions. And less people working in-office results in a reduced demand for office space and decreased energy consumption.

How To Write a Work-From-Home Policy

Now that we’ve explored the importance of having a work-from-home policy, let’s dive into the process of creating a comprehensive remote policy for your business:

Components of a Work-From-Home Policy (With Examples)

What issues should a remote work policy address? Every business will be different, and what might work for others may not work for yours. The following are some of the basic sections you may want to include when creating a work-from-home policy, with example wording to give you a starting point for drafting your own policy sections.

Note that these sections are meant to be examples for general illustrative purposes only, and don’t adhere to any specific legislative or regulatory requirements. In addition to customizing each of these components to meet the unique needs of both your business and your employees, you should also review any compliance requirements relevant to the jurisdictions that your remote workers live in. Click here to create your own copy of this template.


You’ll have identified the purpose of your work-from-home policy during the preparation and research stages outlined previously. This is where that information will go: In this section, you’ll want to clearly outline the goals and objectives of your policy, including why your company is implementing it.


This work-from-home policy is designed to help create a supportive remote work environment for our remote or hybrid workers, and to achieve multiple goals and objectives of remote work that will benefit both our company and our employees. These goals include [list goals, such as improved work-life balance, increased employee satisfaction, collaborative support and enhanced adaptability].


You’ll use this section to clearly set out your eligibility criteria for working remotely. This criteria is unique to your business and will depend on factors such as job roles, responsibilities, performance and suitability of job tasks for remote work.


Employees may qualify for remote work if their job roles are compatible with working from home and [insert any additional eligibility criteria here]. Managers will assess and approve remote work requests on a case-by-case basis, based on the specific requirements of the department involved and the needs of the team and the company.

Approval Process

In addition to outlining the process for submitting a work-from-home request and obtaining approval, you want to ensure that the approval process section emphasizes the fairness of the procedure and the factors that will be considered.


To request a remote work arrangement, employees should complete a remote work request form and submit it to their direct manager. The form includes the following details: [list relevant details such as the desired work schedule, the employee’s productivity plan and any potential challenges].

The manager’s review of the request will take the following factors into consideration: [list relevant factors, such as the employee’s job function and performance, team dynamics and a consultation with HR]. The manager will provide the employee with a written response within [time period, such as 10 business days or two weeks]. This written response will either approve the arrangement, deny it or propose adjustments.

Expectations: Work Schedule, Performance and Communications

In this section, you’ll outline remote work expectations that impact the remote employee’s work schedule, performance and communications:


Work schedule. While we understand that flexibility is one of the many benefits of remote work, we require remote employees to maintain a consistent work schedule that aligns with their team’s needs and the company’s core working hours of [outline your core hours, for example, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET]. All employees must be available and responsive during these core hours. Outside of these core hours, employees may arrange their work hours flexibly, so long as required tasks are completed and effective communication is maintained with their team and manager.

Performance expectations. We expect all employees to maintain high levels of performance whether they work in-office or remotely. Remote workers should stay mindful of their performance goals, productivity metrics and progress tracking. Managers will conduct regular assessment of performance to ensure employees working remotely are meeting expectations, and employees should maintain open communication with their managers for support as needed to achieve their goals.

Communication. To ensure the success of remote work arrangements, we emphasize the need for open and regular communication. Remote employees should use the following approved communication channels to remain connected with team members: [list communication channels, such as email, chat apps, video apps and task management systems]. Remote workers should also [list other communication protocols, such as prompt response times, virtual meeting attendance and work progress updates].

Workspace Requirements

This section outlines any workspace requirements you may have for employees working from home. This might include minimum privacy requirements, a dedicated work area or proper lighting.


To promote productivity and efficiency, remote employees must set up a workspace that meets the following criteria: [list minimum requirements (for example, a dedicated or private workspace, appropriate lighting, ergonomic furniture, space for equipment)].

Equipment and Technology

This part of your remote work policy should specify the equipment and technology required for remote work arrangements, including which resources your company will provide and which resources remote employees are responsible for obtaining and maintaining. Include a section outlining the expense reimbursement process for any work-related expenses covered by your company.


To enable efficient remote work, we will provide remote employees with the following equipment and technology: [list equipment and technology provided by your company, such as a laptop, peripherals and software].

Remote employees are expected to have or obtain [list employees’ equipment and technology responsibilities, such as a reliable internet connection] and to maintain provided equipment in good working condition. In the event of technical or equipment issues, employees should contact the IT department for assistance.

The following work-related expenses incurred by employees while working from home are eligible for reimbursement: [list eligible expenses, such as internet fees or the purchase of office supplies]. To request reimbursement, remote employees should submit a completed expense reimbursement form along with any relevant documentation including receipts or invoices to their manager for approval by any specified deadlines.

Data Security and Privacy

Establish your guidelines for ensuring the security of data and privacy in this section. This includes secure access to any company networks or platforms, antivirus software, VPN usage and confidential or sensitive information guidelines.


Remote employees play a vital role in maintaining the security and privacy of the company’s confidential or sensitive information. Employees working from home must follow established data security guidelines for [list data security guidelines governing access to networks, required usage of VPN, maintenance of antivirus and other security software and password policies].

All confidential or sensitive data must be handled via secure and approved methods, and any suspected security threats or data breaches must be reported to the IT department immediately.

Employee Health and Well-Being

In this section, address health and safety issues, such as ergonomics guidelines, break recommendations and self-care strategies. The focus is on helping remote employees create comfortable and supportive remote work environments to maintain well-being while working from home.


We are committed to the well-being of all employees, including those working remotely. We encourage remote workers to prioritize their health and safety by [list best practices and guidelines (for example, ergonomic best practices, regular breaks and self-care practices]. Employees working remotely should stay mindful of work-life balance to reduce the risk of burnout.

Training and Support

A comprehensive work-from-home policy should include a section outlining training and other support resources your business will provide to help remote employees work effectively and integrate efficiently with the rest of their team.


To ensure the success of remote work arrangements, we are committed to providing a range of resources, training and support services for employees working remotely, including [list resources, such as onboarding process, training opportunities, mentorship, one-to-one with managers and other support].

We encourage remote employees to obtain assistance from IT whenever necessary, and to participate in team meetings, training sessions and company events to strengthen connections and maintain strong relationships with colleagues.

Policy Reviews and Updates

Continuous reviews and updates of your remote work policy are essential to ensure its continued effectiveness. Detail the review process, including how often reviews will take place, and how employees and other stakeholders will be involved in the process.


We are committed to updating our work-from-home policy to ensure its continued success and effectiveness. Our process involves the conduct of regular reviews of this policy [include any review and update schedules you’ve established] and will include [list actions such as gathering feedback, the consideration of industry best practices and the assessment of legal or regulatory changes]. Employees will be kept informed of changes to the policy, and we encourage remote workers to share any suggestions for improvement with their managers or the HR team.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance

This section sets out your company’s compliance with relevant laws and regulations. This includes any jurisdictional variations in requirements due to the different locations in which your remote employees reside.


Staying compliant with all relevant labor laws, tax regulations and other legal requirements is a top priority for our remote work policy. Because remote employees may be located in a variety of legal jurisdictions, we are committed to adapting our policy as necessary to ensure compliance with any relevant local laws and regulations.

Remote employees are expected to abide by the legal and regulatory requirements applicable in their jurisdictions, and should reach out to the HR department if they have any compliance questions or concerns.

Termination of Remote Work Arrangement

In this section, outline the situations or conditions in which remote work arrangements can be ended or amended, as well as the process or guidelines for moving employees back to the office when necessary.


[Company name] reserves the right to terminate or modify remote work arrangements at our discretion, based on factors including [list factors that might warrant changes in a remote work arrangement, such as job performance issues, evolving business requirements or changes in job role responsibilities].

If a remote work arrangement is terminated, employees will be given reasonable notice of the change and provided with support for the transition back to the in-office environment. This transition process may include [list transition support, such as reintegration support, assignment of a suitable workspace and the provision of required equipment].

Bottom Line

A comprehensive work-from-home policy can unlock the true potential of remote work for small businesses. Create a policy that addresses crucial aspects of working from home, such as communication, data security and employee health and well-being, to help provide a supportive remote work employment for your employees—and tap into the power of a remote or hybrid workforce.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How does remote work affect employee satisfaction?

A work-from-home arrangement can positively impact employee satisfaction by providing employees with more flexibility and autonomy and reduce stress and the risk of burnout.

What do remote and hybrid remote mean?

Remote work means that you work 100% of the time from home, while traveling or from a co-working space. Hybrid remote work means that you spend at least some time working from your company’s office and occasionally from home or another location.

What are the negative effects of a work-from-home policy?

While there are many positive effects of remote work, there are also certain disadvantages employers should be aware of. These include feelings of loneliness or isolation and the potential of a poorer work-life balance.