How to Refresh Word Document: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you staring at a Word document that’s not behaving as it should? Maybe it’s frozen, or perhaps you’ve made changes that aren’t reflecting. Don’t sweat it! Refreshing a Word document is a simple task that can be accomplished in a few clicks. By following a few easy steps, you’ll have your document looking as good as new.

Step by Step Tutorial on How to Refresh a Word Document

Before we dive into the steps to refresh your Word document, let’s understand what refreshing actually does. Refreshing a document helps to ensure that the latest changes are displayed, and it can also help if the document is not responding. This can be particularly useful if you’re collaborating with others and need to see updates in real-time.

Step 1: Save your document

The first step is to save any changes you’ve made to your document.

Saving the document ensures that you don’t lose any important information before refreshing. It’s always a good practice to save frequently when working on any document.

Step 2: Close the document

Next, you’ll need to close the document you want to refresh.

This step is essential because it allows the program to reset and clear any temporary glitches that may be causing issues with your document.

Step 3: Reopen the document

Finally, reopen the document you just closed.

When you reopen the document, it should be refreshed, and you’ll be able to see any changes or updates that weren’t showing up before.

After completing these steps, your Word document should be refreshed and functioning correctly. You’ll be able to continue working without any hiccups.

Tips for Refreshing a Word Document

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I do if my Word document is still not responding after refreshing?

If your document is still not responsive after following the refresh steps, you may need to force quit the Word program and restart it.

Can I refresh a Word document without closing it?

To properly refresh a Word document, it is recommended to close and reopen it; however, you can save changes and click "Refresh" if you’re working on a shared document through OneDrive or SharePoint.

Will refreshing my Word document affect any unsaved changes?

Refreshing a document without saving can result in loss of unsaved changes, so always ensure to save your work before refreshing.

How often should I refresh my Word document?

There isn’t a set frequency for refreshing a Word document. Only do so if you notice issues with the document’s performance or updates not showing.

Can I refresh a Word document on a mobile device?

Yes, the steps for refreshing a Word document on a mobile device are similar – save, close, and reopen the document.


  1. Save your document.
  2. Close the document.
  3. Reopen the document.


Refreshing a Word document is a nifty trick that can save you from frustration when documents freeze or don’t show the latest changes. Remember, the key is to save your work first to avoid losing any precious data. After closing and reopening your document, it should be up to date and running smoothly. If you continue to have issues, don’t hesitate to seek out further resources or contact Microsoft support for assistance. With these simple steps, you’ll be a Word document refreshing pro in no time! So go ahead, give your Word document a quick refresh and get back to crafting those perfect documents.

Matt Jacobs has been working as an IT consultant for small businesses since receiving his Master’s degree in 2003. While he still does some consulting work, his primary focus now is on creating technology support content for

His work can be found on many websites and focuses on topics such as Microsoft Office, Apple devices, Android devices, Photoshop, and more.